What’s New at the Jean Harrington Show?

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A message from Jean:

Hi guys, I’m really excited to be bringing you this resource to help you with mortgages and real estate. I know there might be some fear with the real estate market and it’s intimidating with jargon like: mortgage insurance, amortization, variable, unsecure, etc. I am preparing to write some useful content.

apart from that, let me introduce myself. My Name’s Jean Harrington. I like Dogs. and I also like cats. I’m different in that way. one of the things that really got me into mortgages is my grandma. She was just a delight. But she got into a lot of trouble with the banks etc. and it costed her, her house. It all ended well but boy was that a ride. maybe I’ll share more of that story later but it’s been 25 years since I first started and I have a bunch of experiences to share with you guys.